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Writer's pictureExeter HOA

September 2022 Newsletter

Updated: Sep 6, 2022


Special Meeting of the Exeter Board of Directors

The board will hold a special meeting to discuss the 2023 fiscal year budget. This meeting will be open to homeowners. There will be a homeowner's forum. However, this forum will be restricted to budget items only. All other issues should be brought up at the monthly meeting on October 27th.

This special meeting will be held Thursday, September 8th, 2022, at 7:00PM. The meeting will be virtual on the GoToMeeting platform. Please use this link:

Pools Hours, Passes and 2022 End of Season Survey

The pool has resumed our school day hours. The adjusted hours are 5-8 on school days and 11-8 on weekends and the holiday. The pool will remain open until September 5, 2022, and then closed for the season.

Also, if you have ordered new or replacement passes but have not picked them up from the pool, please come by and pick them up before the end of the season.

Finally, do you want the pool to be even better next year? Have feedback, good or bad, you would like to share with the pool committee? Have a suggestion?

Please take just a few minutes and fill out our survey. We want your input and value your opinion.

Leesburg’s Ida Lee Dog Swim Set Sept. 10

Ida Lee Park will hold its 14th annual Dog Swim at AV Symington Aquatic Center on Saturday, Sept. 10.

The dog-only swim gives local pups the chance to have fun in a safe, enclosed area while swimming off-leash with other dogs. All dogs must be six months old, legally licensed, vaccinated, and wearing a visible dog license. All exits will be gated, and a veterinarian will be on-site as a precaution.

The pool will be open for the dog swim for two sessions from 9 – 10:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Space is limited, and pre-registration is required with a two-dog max per person. The cost to attend is $5 per person. Human attendees must be at least 12 years of age with dog handlers being 16 years or older.

Registration is currently available through WebTrac or by visiting the front desk at Ida Lee Recreation Center. For more information, visit or call 703-777-1368.

The dog swim is the last event of the year before the recreation center closes the outdoor water park for the winter.

No Change to Trash, Recycling, or Yard Waste Collection in Leesburg on Labor Day Holiday

There is no change to the trash, recycling, and yard waste schedule for Labor Day this year. Patriot Disposal will be collecting trash and recycling in the NW and will be collecting yard waste Town-wide, on Labor Day, Monday, September 5, 2022.

Collections will not be shifted by one day, including commercial customers. The schedule will remain the same as the normal trash, recycling, and yard waste collection:

• Monday, September 5 – Northwest and Town-wide yard waste collection

• Tuesday, September 6 – Northeast, Inside the Bypass

• Wednesday, September 7 – Northeast, Outside the Bypass

• Thursday, September 8 – Southwest, plus Meadowbrook

• Friday, September 9 – Southeast, except Meadowbrook

To report missed collections or other issues with trash, recycling, or yard waste collection, please contact Patriot Disposal directly at or 703-771-6677. Town of Leesburg offices will be closed on Monday, September 5, 2022.

Public Input Meeting Scheduled for Battlefield Parkway and Route 15 Bypass Interchange Study

The Town will hold a public input meeting on Wednesday, September 21 to provide additional information and receive feedback on the alternatives for a grade-separated interchange (overpass) under consideration at the Battlefield Parkway and Route 15 Bypass intersection. See link for details.

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