Exeter HOA News and Events
Association Parking Reminders
There have been several complaints regarding non-operational and/or non licensed vehicles occupying within the Association for extended periods. In the past few weeks, enforcement, including the towing of some vehicles, has taken place. These enforcements will continue in accordance with Exeter HOA policies. Section 2.4.7 of the Exeter Homeowner Handbook provides guidance for homeowners concerning vehicles.
Get Ready for spring!
Spring is just around the corner and is a perfect time to dust off the tools that will ensure that your home and yard is in top-top shape. Annual inspections will take place within the next few months.
As a reminder, if you have any questions concerning current policies, procedures, or design guidelines in the making of repairs, changes, or improvements to your property or to the exterior of your home in Exeter, please consult the Exeter HOA Homeowner Handbook.
Town of Leesburg Happenings:
On-Street Parking Changes Take Effect March 1
The Town of Leesburg will officially transition to utilizing the ParkMobile system for payment for its on-street parking spaces on Wednesday, March 1, 2023.
Coin meters, which have been bagged since the beginning of the free holiday parking promotion in November, will be removed in the coming weeks. Beginning on March 1, those who wish to utilize on-street parking spaces during the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays may pay using the ParkMobile system, which has been utilized in the downtown since 2016.
The Town has developed a Frequently Asked Questions page to aid in the transition to ParkMobile. Payments to ParkMobile can be made by downloading the ParkMobile app, texting ParkMobile, or scanning a QR code.
On-street parking will remain free on weekday evenings after 5 p.m., on weekends, and Town holidays. In addition, the Town Hall parking garage will remain free for users for the first two hours. Considerable free parking options remain at the Liberty Street and Pennington parking lots.
Parking on street (with a two-hour limit) and in the Town Hall parking garage remains free through Tuesday, February 28. Parking fees in the garage will begin again on March 1. While the basement parking spaces are currently open to the public, they will revert to reserved spaces for parking permit holders, also on March 1. Construction in the garage is expected to continue through next month.
More information on parking options in the downtown can be found at https://www.leesburgva.gov/visitors/getting-here/downtown-parking.